Wessell Insurance Services offers two types of auto insurance policies in MN. The traditional auto owner policy, and the non-owner liability policy. Both policies are written to state minimums (at least) and include PIP (Personal Injury Protection) for the insured. We use “A” rated insurance carriers only, and can quote and issue policies within minutes.
Wessell Insurance is proud to be affiliated with the Driver Diversion Program (DDP) in Minnesota. The program is based in Red Wing, MN and is currently servicing Minneapolis and St Paul. Along with the DDP state sponsored program, Wessell insurance has been helping provide the insurance for participating drivers since its inception.
Minnesota also participates in the SR22 monitoring program, and we provide SR22 filings on every policy we issue in Minnesota. Once a policy is issued, the SR22 is drafted and faxed to the state within 15 minutes. The proof of insurance and copy of the SR22 is also sent to the customer via email or fax within 30 minutes.
For information about specific state requirements please visit our states page.
Call 866-663-7561 for more information.