The state of Virginia continues to require the SR22 and FR44 endorsements on certain individual's auto insurance policies.  The SR22 deals with common violations including (but not exclusive to) driving while suspended/revoked, accumulation of points, and no insurance tickets.  The VA FR44 requirement is implemented when there is a violation involving alcohol, DUI or DWI.  The main difference between the two are the required liability limits.  The FR44 is twice the SR22 limits, hence the 22 goes to 44 in the description.  These requirements can be easily met using a basic owner's or non-owner's liability policy based in your home state of VA through WESSELL INSURANCE.

But...  What if you live out of state, or received the violation while visiting VA, and you don't live there and are not licensed there.....

Here at WESSELL INS, we have been helping out-of-state drivers comply with Virginia filing requirements.  We can put an a named-operator (non-owner) liability auto policy in place to support the VA communication required to remove their holds on your current home state license.  You can continue to keep your existing insurance situation untouched, and easily comply with VA for as long as they are requiring.  There will always be an installment option available, and we will supply Richmond VA with all necessary filings.  Each out-of-state SR22/FR44 filings are drafted immediately, available to print right away, and filed with the state electronically same-day.

GIVE US A CALL TODAY  1-866-663-7561


Posted 5:26 PM

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